Please Note: When I achieve my goal and go Pro, I would like to offer my services to the top ten charities of your choice, free of charge - my way of saying thanks for all your support. So, when you post a comment here or email please include the name of a charity which is close to your heart. Thank you.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

False Starts and Fear of Failure

Zero to Pro - Photo Blog 6

So here we are six months on from when I sent out emails to test the water with regards to the zero to pro project and I still haven’t jumped in at the deep end...until now that is!

Why? Well in February I was all set to take the plunge and focus on the zero to pro project on a full time basis for 9 months.  Then, as you may know, I had to come to terms with the fact that the project may take a lot longer to complete and so I had to re-work my finances.  Six more months of saving and some part-time work going forward will now allow me to dedicate most of my time to the zero to pro project without being distracted by money matters...I’m finally free to be creative!

Of course, the project has been pacing around in my mind this whole time; I've thought about every step without being able to take a single stride.  So, the nerves have been building and as I once again approach the start line they appear to be my biggest obstacle.

As a perfectionist, the thought of putting photographs which are so far from perfect out into the world to be judged fills me with fear.  Creative work, I feel, comes from the heart; it is an extension and an expression of self (regardless of quality) so criticism of it is more likely to be taken personally.  This was a concern.

A talk by the author Elizabeth Gilbert on creativity helped put my mind and my heart at ease.  She made me see that if we feel compelled to create then that is our only create.  It is not in our remit to be the judge of our work or to be concerned with how others judge it.  All we are to do is create from our centre and then let go of our creation and allow it to be whatever it will be in the world.
So, that’s what I’m going to do.  I’ll take photographs and write every day because that’s what I feel I should be doing, it’s what makes me happy.  I really believe that if I do this, just follow my heart and my intuition, everything else will take care of itself.  I guess we’re about to find out!

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